Welcome to PS 64Q The Joseph P. Addabbo School, Magnet School of Leadership and Social Justice Activism
Upcoming Events
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Henry Viscardi School Visit- Grades3-5
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ENL/CUSP 2:30-4pm
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ENL/CUSP 2:30-4pm
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Summer Rising-In person Application
P.S. 64 Q -The Joseph P. Addabbo School
About Magnet
PS 64Q is a proud recipient of the NYCDOE Inter-District Federal Magnet Schools Assistance Program. We are the Magnet School of Leadership and Social Justice Activism. The funding will support our ongoing work to integrate inquiry-based learning opportunities for our students to learn our educational standards through tackling real-life problems in their community.
What are Magnet Schools?
Magnet Schools are public schools of choice. Magnet schools are visionary, innovative and open to students regardless of zip code. Every magnet school has a special theme that makes it unique from other schools. A Magnet education offers specialized curricula developed and aligned to the school’s theme with student activities designed to promote excellence in all aspects of school and the greater community. Currently funded magnet schools integrate enriching themes into all academic subjects and school activities. Magnet schools are designed to attract students of all backgrounds who are looking for a specialized academic experience.
What does Magnet education offer?
Magnet Schools are New York City public schools that receive additional funding from the federal government to implement an innovative and themed curriculum, develop creative partnerships for learning and actively encourage family and community participation. Funding enriches academic activities by supporting school trips, additional supplies, partnerships, and special programs as well as professional development for teachers and workshops for parents. Magnet Schools offer challenging interdisciplinary academic experiences designed to engage, inspire and motivate students to achieve. All magnet schools engage in project-based learning and integrate real-world educational experiences into their curricula. A Magnet Education integrates the social, emotional, mental well-being of students to prepare them as lifelong learners and future leaders.
to learn more visit: https://www.magnetschools.nyc/
You can apply by doing the following:
1. Print Application and make an appointment with the school at 718-845-8290.
D19 27 Elementary School App 2023-24_French.pdf
D19 27 Elementary Eng App 2023 24.pdf
D19 27 Elementary School App 2023-24_Spanish.pdf
D19 27 Elementary School App 2023-24_Urdu.pdf
To request application in another language please contact the school or Mrs. Stefanie Silverstein, Magnet Coordinator ssilverstein@schools.nyc.gov
Magnet Contact Information:
Magnet Coordinator-Stefanie Silverstein ssilverstein3@schools.nyc.govOpens in a new browser tab
Magnet Resource Specialist- Kerri Alvarez kalvarez@schools.nyc.gov
P.S. 64Q Magnet in Action
Notices & Updates for Families 2024-2025
Parent Teacher Conferences-March 6th via ZOOM
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SLT State Of the School Night
Monday, February 10th, 2025
4:00-5:00 pm-via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 1452 1898
Passcode: 586801
P.S. 64 Q -The Joseph P. Addabbo School -
Summer Rising Notice for Families
Summer Rising MySchools Application
The application will open on March 4, and close March 28, 2025. As in 2024, families can apply for Summer Rising online using MySchools, our online directory and application system.
To apply, log in to MySchools.nyc (if you already have a MySchools account you do not need to create a new one). Your MySchools account, used for admissions, is different from the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) that you may use to access your child’s health forms and update emergency contact information.
If you have applied to Summer Rising, 3-K/Pre-K programs, or NYCPS schools using MySchools before, your child may already be added to your account. If you do not have a MySchools account, you can create one at MySchools.nyc using your email address, your child’s 9-digit student ID number and a MySchools account creation code, which you can get by contacting your child's school.
Families can list as many programs as they would like on their application; we recommend that you list as many programs as possible to increase the likelihood of being placed in a program of your choice.
This process is not first-come, first-served; all applications received by the deadline will be treated the same. Families may make changes to their application at any point within the application period.
If you have any questions or need support with the application, please visit our website at schools.nyc.gov/SummerRising, contact your school, or email summer@schools.nyc.gov.
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans
Students attending 12-month/Extended School Year (ESY) special class, Nest, or Horizon Programs will receive the program and services recommended on their IEP at an Extended School year (ESY), District 75, or Nest or Horizon Summer Program site. Families who wish to participate in IEP program and extended-day CBO-led enrichment through Summer Rising should use the MySchools application portal. These families will have priority for seats in Summer Rising and will choose from the CBO program(s) operating in connection with their IEP program.
If you do not want extended day enrichment for your child, and your child will only be participating in Nest or Horizon programming (until 12:00 p.m.), D75 (until 2:30 p.m.), or ESY programming (until 2:00 p.m.), you should contact your child’s school instead of using the MySchools application portal.
Students who require accommodations, such as a paraprofessional or nurse, to participate in Summer Rising will receive them based on their individual needs.
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CECC Elections
Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025
If you’re interested in helping shape policies and priorities that will affect the education of City students, consider joining an education council! Parents can apply to run for the 2025–2027 term until Sunday, February 16, 2025. Applications are completed via your NYC Schools Account (schoolsaccount.nyc) and only take 5–10 minutes to complete! Review the Eligibility Checklist, Elections Guide, and FAQ on schools.nyc.gov/Elections2025 for more information about who can run for a seat on each council.
To complete your application, you’ll need to create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) in your name. You will also use your NYCSA to vote for the candidates for your district, so it’s important to be prepared by creating your account now—learn how at schools.nyc.com/NYCSA.
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2025 NYC School Survey Notice
Have your voice heard!
2025 NYC School Survey
Beginning February 10, 2025, NYCPS will hold its annual NYC School Survey. Held annually over the past 19 years, the NYC School Survey asks City public school families, teachers, students in grades 6–12, and select staff members to provide their feedback regarding their individual experiences in City public schools. This feedback, which will remain confidential, will help our schools better understand what their students and community members need and think about their learning environments, educators, curricula, support services, and more. School leaders can then use this feedback to help improve their schools and program offerings.
To view and complete the survey, log into your official NYCSA at schoolsaccount.nyc beginning February 10. You will also receive a printed copy of the survey with instructions on how to complete the survey on paper or online.
The 2025 Survey will close on April 4, 2025. Learn more about the 2025 NYC School Survey at nycschoolsurvey.org.
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February calendar at a glance
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Visitor Policy Reminder
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Magic Box Tech Expo (Grades 3 & 4)
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January 2025 Calendar at a glance
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NYCPS Family Updates
What’s Happening in NYC Public Schools
schools.nyc.gov/MessagesForFamiliesOctober 28, 2024
This update provides important information regarding NYC Public Schools (NYCPS), including key upcoming
dates from the 2024–25 School Year Calendar, admissions deadlines, planning for remote learning, New
York State vaccination requirements, and details about where you can get the latest news regarding NYCPS.Contents
• Important Upcoming Dates
• 2025 High School Admissions
• 2025 Middle School Admissions
• November Parent-Teacher Conferences
• Preparing for Remote Learning
• Stay Up to Date with Your Child’s
• Have You Checked Out The Morning
Bell?Important Upcoming Dates - November 1: Diwali, schools closed
- November 5: Election Day, no classes for NYCPS students
- November 7: Afternoon and evening PTCs for elementary schools*
- November 11: Veterans Day, schools closed
- November 14: Afternoon/evening PTCs for middle schools and D75 schools*
- November 21: Evening PTCs for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
- November 22: Afternoon PTCs for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools*
- November 28–29: Thanksgiving Recess, schools closed
- December 24–January 1: Winter Recess, schools closed
*students in these schools dismissed three hours early2025 High School Admissions
Planning to enroll in one of NYC's 700+ public high school programs in fall 2025? As of October 1, current eighth
graders and first-time ninth graders can participate in this year's NYCPS high school application process.NYC Public Schools schools.nyc.gov | /nycschools | 2
This year, MySchools (myschools.nyc) offers a new feature to help applicants understand their chances of
receiving an offer from a particular program (schools.nyc.gov/OfferChances). Additionally, students may now
list any number of program choices on their application, expanded from the previous limit of 12.Fall 2025 High School applications will close on Wednesday, December 4. Learn more at schools.nyc.gov/HS.
2025 Middle School AdmissionsAs of October 15, students currently in fifth grade (or sixth grade, for students in K–6 elementary schools), can
participate in fall 2025 middle school admissions.New this year, families can now list ANY City public middle school on their application. While zoned and district
priority schools will continue to prioritize zoned and/or district students, applicants from other zones/districts will
now be considered for remaining seats.Fall 2025 Middle School applications will close on Friday, December 20. Learn more at schools.nyc.gov/MS.
November 2024 Parent-Teacher ConferencesThis year’s second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences will begin on Thursday, November 7. Speak with your
child’s teachers to schedule your conference times. Visit our Parent-Teacher Conferences page
(schools.nyc.gov/ptc) for tips and additional guidance.Preparing for Remote Learning
In the event that NYCPS buildings must close due to the weather, all K–12 students will be expected to participate
in their classes from home. Please ensure your child has a working internet-enabled device at home—prepare by
reaching out to your school directly now if your child needs a device loaned from NYCPS; do not wait for a building
closure. Learn how to get started using your loaned iPad or laptop at schools.nyc.gov/NYCPSdevices.
To participate in remote learning, students will need to log on using their NYCPS Student Account
(schools.nyc.gov/StudentAccounts). If you do not know your child’s username and password, please visit
selfservice.schools.nyc or ask your school for help. For information about the applications and platforms we use,
please visit schools.nyc.gov/DigitalLearning.Stay Up to Date with Your Child’s Vaccinations
All NYCPS students, from Infant and Toddler programs through grade 12, must meet both State and City school
immunization requirements in order to attend school. Review the requirements for students in your child’s grade
level at schools.nyc.gov/immunization.Remember: a healthy school setting gives all students the best opportunity to learn, and vaccines are among the
most effective tools we have to protect our children from diseases that can make them sick. Talk to your child's
health provider to learn more, or find a health provider who fits your family’s needs at pndslookup.health.ny.gov.Have You Checked Out The Morning Bell?
Did you know that the latest news and helpful resources for NYC families can all be found online on The Morning
Bell? Don’t miss out—bookmark us at schools.nyc.gov/MorningBell.P.S. 64 Q -The Joseph P. Addabbo School
PS 64 Quick Links
Help Desk
- NYC Student Account( Used to view student report cards and school records)
- DOE Website
- My Schools Account (used to apply for 3k, PreK, Kindergarten, Middle School and High School)
- Info Hub
- Family Income Inquiry Form
- Leader In Me Family Survey
- Guide to Summer Reading
- Intent To Move Form
- PS64Q School Store
PS64Q School Store
Administration Contact Information
Ms. Elizabeth Mitchell, Principal
Ms. Certina Robinson, Assistant Principal
82-01 101 Ave.
Ozone Park, NY 11416
Phone: 718-845-8290
Fax: 718-848-0052
Parent Coordinator
Magnet Coordinator
Community School District 27
District 27 Official Website http://www.district27nyc.org/
Melissa Compson, Deputy Community Superintendent
Thomas Fox, Field Support Liaison (FSL)
Susan Settanni, District 27 Pre-K Principal/Director of Early Childhood
Dr. William E. Cooper, Ed.D., Director of Continuous Improvement (DCI)
Teresa Cantante, Family Leadership Coordinator
District 27 Main Office (Temporarily Closed): 82-01 Rockaway Boulevard, Ozone Park, NY 11416
District 27 Family Empowerment Center @ 333Q (Temporarily Closed) 3-65 Beach 56th St. Arverne, NY 11692
Community Education Council (CEC) District 27
82-01 Rockaway Blvd., Room 204, Ozone Park, NY 11416
Telephone (718) 642-5805 Email: Cec27@schools.nyc.gov
Website: http://cdec27.org
President – Ms. Lisa Johnson Cooper
For more on CECs, please visit https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/get-involved/education-councils