School wide Student Leadership Positions
Student Leadership Board Updates 2024-2025
Student Leaders in Action
PS 64Q Magnet Ambassadors
Description: PS64Q Magnet Ambassadors will be in charge of welcoming visitors and escorting visitors around our school building. You are required to have knowledge about things going on around our school. You will be able to excite our visitors about our school.
Application Due: 9/16/24
PS 64Q H.E.R.O Day Presenters
Description: HERO Day presenters will be in charge of the HERO Day presentation once a month. You are required to stay after school until 3:00pm. You are required to have 100% attendance and be an attendance HERO. You will be able to celebrate all attendance Heroes!
Application Due: 9/16/2024
PS64Q Magnet Attendance Monitor
Description: Attendance Monitor will be in charge of collecting all notes from every teacher at 10:00 am, every day. You are required to bring all note folders to the main office after collecting. You will be able to help bridge the communication between teachers and the main office.
Application Due: 9/16/24
PS64Q Magnet Morning News Anchor
Description: Morning News Anchor will be in charge of the morning announcements in the main office over the loud speaker. You are required to be in the main office by 8:10am. You will be able to excite our school community to have a successful day!
Application Due: 9/16/24
PS64Q Magnet Morning Motivator
Description: Morning Motivator will be in charge of singing one of the 7habit songs each morning on the loud speaker. You will be able to motivate and excite our school community to have a successful day!
Application Due: 9/16/24
PS64Q Magnet Caught Being A Leader Announcer
Description: Caught being a leader announcer will be in charge of collecting all caught being a leader slips from the main office, writing it in a google document, announcing them on Fridays at 1:30pm over the loud speaker.
Application Due: 9/16/2024
PS64Q Magnet Kindness Garden Club Member
Description: Kindness garden club member will be in charge of cleaning and maintaining our garden. We are excited to see your creations come alive!
Application Due: 9/16/2024