Vision and Mission Statement
Our Vision
PS 64Q strives to cultivate student leaders who are knowledgeable, adaptable, innovative citizens.
Our Mission
PS 64Q is a community of diverse learners who respect and value each other and strive to succeed in all academic and socio-emotional areas. By maintaining a safe, nurturing and affirming learning environment, we provide authentic opportunities for all students to be successful. Our community promotes high standards and expectations and shares the responsibility for preparing critically thinking 21st century learners and leaders in a global community.
PS 64Q Equity Statement
At PS 64Q, we believe that all children have the right to experience success through equitable opportunities. We strive to use our knowledge of each student’s culture and lived experiences to support and empower them in becoming critical thinkers and lifelong leaders.
PS 64Q Instructional Focus
In alignment with the Chancellor’s Four Pillars, District 27 Foci, and the Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS), PS64Q will continue to strengthen our core instruction by leveraging data to design relevant, rigorous and differentiated learning experiences.
Theory of Action
IF: PS 64Q collectively employs an Interactive Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Approach-
- Open-Ended Options: Questions, Learning Pathways, Tasks
- Wondering Approach thru 4Es: Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
- Learning Targets/Limited Lecture/Learning Groups based on assessment data
- Student Centered/Success Criteria/Support Tools/Social Emotional Learning
THEN: We will have improved academic outcomes for all students